Support US

Sponsor-a-child program
Sponsor a child for R400 (half) or R800 (full) a month and ensure that he/she gets a safe and stimulating environment after school.
This will include food, access to all extra mural activities, camps, parental support, outings, psycho-social and educational intervention support programs.

We are extremely proud of our Aitsa! volunteer family! In order for us develop each child’s full potential we rely on our extended volunteer team to build out capacity and for exposure to as many different expertise and opportunities as possible.
If you have a specific skill you would like to share with our kids or just time to give, please contact us.
My School

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is South Africa’s biggest community support programme which raises funds for schools and charities in order to improve education and social development. A MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card is free. You can swipe your card at partner retailers across the country every time you shop. The store will donate a percentage of your purchase to Aitsa!
How To Donate
Banking Details:
Dwarsriver Valley Initiative
Investec Bank Limited
Current Account
Account Number: 10013477175
Branch: 58 01 05
For an 18A certificate please forward proof of payment and address details to finance@aitsa.org